We invite you to support Jampel Nyingpo Ling by becoming a member, offering a donation, or sponsoring a teaching or puja. Membership donations are tax deductible as JNL has federal 501c(3)tax-exempt status. To join or donate to JNL, fill out this form
NAME ___________________________________
PHONE _________________________________
EMAIL __________________________________
Check off your annual membership type:(Suggested donation is indicated.)
Individual ($25) ______
Senior/Student ($15) _________
Family ($50) __________
Please list familymembers’ names: ___________________
Monthly donation (any amount) _________
Donation (any amount)________
Sponsor a teaching or puja: (Circle one) $100 $250 $350 $500
For information about sponsoring a teaching or puja, please email us at “jampelnyingpoling@gmail.com”.
Kindly mail this form and your donation to:
JNL treasurer, Sue Downing, 211 East St., No. 5, Easthampton, MA 01027, or contact jampelnyingpoling@gmail.com